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''''''''''''''''''''''' Dynamic Scripting Section - Do not touch the script code '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
domainname = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST")
If Request.QueryString("c") <> "" Then
Category = "&CID=" & Request.QueryString("c")
End If
PostData = "&UID=760&DID=771" & "&ScriptName=" & Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") & Category
strQuery = Request.querystring
Function GetMetaData(Query, Data, title)
Set hObj = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set hObj = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
ComponentString = "" & vbCrLf
On Error Resume Next
If hObj Is Nothing Then
Set hObj = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5")
ComponentString = "" & vbCrLf
End If
hObj.Open "GET", "http://www.linksjunk.com/get_links/get_links.php?"& Query & Data & "&title=" & title, False
GetMetaData = hObj.responseText
Set hObj = Nothing
End Function
Function GetData(Query, Data , ByRef strResp)
Set hObj = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set hObj = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
ComponentString = "" & vbCrLf
On Error Resume Next
If hObj Is Nothing Then
Set hObj = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5")
ComponentString = "" & vbCrLf
End If
hObj.Open "GET", "http://www.linksjunk.com/get_links/get_links.php?"& Query & Data, False
If hObj.Status <> 200 Then
strResp = "Error: Status=" & hObj.Status & " Text=" & hObj.ResponseText
GetData = False
strResp = ComponentString & hObj.responseText
GetData = True
End If
Set hObj = Nothing
End Function
''''''''''''''''''''''' Dynamic Scripting Section - Completed '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
1. Agriculture equipment, farm magazines, farm equipment, farm
inventions, farm machinery, agriculture machinery
2. Antique John Deere
3. Antique Tractors - The Antique Tractor Shed: Photos, History and
4. antiquefurniture Here
5. Bienvenue chez Jacques.Lacasse.com
6. Cars, trucks Motorcycles and more......
7. Coffeyville Kansas Real Estate * Farm Land * Country Homes *
Acreage * Waterfront * Businesses
8. Directory and Search Engine JoeAnt.com
9. Don Worley's web page
10. feXlinks Storefront Marketplace - Link Exchange
12. Home Page
13. Home Page
14. Johnnypopper.com, Rummy's antique 2 cylinder John Deere tractor
15. Lawns - Easy Lawn Guide - Your total guide to lawns
16. Lorenzo Mfg Co Inc:
Farm Equipment, Implements & Augers
17. Network 2010 - Premier Internet Provider
18. Quickest Directory
19. Ridenour's Antique John
Deeres & L Parts
20. Small Engines, Lawnmower Propane Gas Engine Parts, best prices,
deals, service, Sales, TEW, Battery Chargers,
21. The Virtual Guide to Belarus
22. Trekkers -
linksite voor oude trekkers
24. Untitled
25. Vocational
Information Center: Career and Technical Education Resources
26. Welcome to CoJo Web's Western North Carolina Shopping & Vacation
27. Welcome to Flatwood
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